Wrestle Mania 38 : Fantasy Booking - 4

Writer: Yash Deo

WrestleMania 38 Night Two

6. Roman Reigns V/S Brock Lesnar (WWE & WWE Universal Championship Match)

Wrestle Mania 38

 Image Courtesy: WWE

Build: Same build as WWE + additional content from the IC title build. This match will be a no disqualification match so both the competitors can go wild!


Match: Jey Uso will accidentally hit Reigns with a Superkick during their run-in interference. Brock Lesnar will then pick Jey Uso up and throw him crashing to the announcer’s table. He will then attempt to perform an F5 on Reigns but, Jimmy Uso will hit Lesnar with a Superkick. The superkick will not phase Lesnar and he will pick him up along with Reigns—performing a double F5.


He will go for the cover but, Reigns will kick out. Lesnar will then pick Reigns again for another F5. This time Reigns will counter it and hit Lesnar with a Superman Punch knocking him to the ropes. Paul Heyman will then hit Lesnar with the WWE Universal Championship.


  • Reigns will go for the cover but Lesnar will toss him out of the ring, not even letting the ref count to ONE! Lesnar is now on the ropes. Reigns will attempt to perform the drive-by but will be caught by Lesnar who will toss him back inside the ring.


  • The match will then continue with both the sides getting equal amounts of offense. Reigns will try to do whatever he can to retain his championship. He will use Paul Heyman as shield during one of the spots. Lesnar will pretend to hesitate but will then grab Heyman by his tie and pick him up for an F5 Spot on the outside. The USOS will then together perform a suicide-dive from the outside taking Lesnar out.


  • Reigns will also perform multiple low-blows and chair shots. Nothing is enough to keep Lesnar down. He will tie Lesnar to the ropes using a public hand lock. After doing that, he will begin assaulting Lesnar with the USOS. The USOS will perform multiple superkicks to the head of Brock Lesnar. Reigns will then attempt to hit Brock but will be tossed aside. Brock will pull his hand so hard that it will break the ropes. He will continue beating Reigns up while his hand is still tied to the rope. Eventually he gets the keys to the lock and unlocks the lock.


  • Jey Uso will again “accidentally” perform the superkick on Roman Reigns taking him out.

Pat McAfee: “It didn’t seem accidental to me, Michael Cole!”


  • Jey will climb on the right turnbuckle and point at Jimmy to climb the turnbuckle on the left. They both perform their tag finisher and leaves the ring as Paul Heyman yells at them. Brock Lesnar will then lift Reigns unconscious body and get on the top rope to perform an F5. Cover, ONE! TWO! – KICKOUT.


  • The USOS will look from the ramp shocked.


Michael Cole: “They didn’t expect Roman to kick out of that!”

Pat McAfee: “I don’t think anyone did, Cole!”


  • Reigns will then taunt Lesnar asking him to finish it. Lesnar will again lift Reigns and put him in a fireman’s carry position. He is about to perform the F5 when Reigns rakes his eyes.


  • He then goes low and hits Lesnar with a low-blow. Remember everything of this nature is legal in a NO-DISQUALIFICATION MATCH. Reigns would then hit Lesnar with a spear and cover him for the win. ONE…! TWO…! KICKOUT!


  • In one final ditch effort, Reigns performs the guillotine on Lesnar hoping to make him submit. Lesnar doesn’t submit and gets up with ease and tosses Reigns away from him. Reigns then grabs a kendo stick and uses it to again apply the guillotine. This time it works and Lesnar passes out…


Winner: *Roman Reigns (New WWE Undisputed Champion)

  • After the match, Reigns will cut a promo about how its his yard and no one is going to stop his reign as champion. He asks everyone to ACKNOWLEDGE HIM—when suddenly…


“If you smell what the Rock is cooking” hits to a huge pop. The Rock comes out to the ring and has a stare-down with Reigns. He then takes the championship from the timekeeper’s area and awards it to Reigns telling him that he acknowledges him. He lifts his hand up reminiscent of Royal Rumble 2015. He will hear the boos and instead of ignoring it like the last time. He will transition it into a Rock Bottom taking Reigns out for good.


// The show ends with The Rock celebrating.