Cody Rhodes Recalls Advice From 16-Time WWE Champion to Overcome WrestleMania Loss

cody rhodes

History was made on April 7th, 2024 in the main event of WrestleMania 40 when the referee slapped the mat for the third time and marked the end of a nearly 4 year-long historic title reign. Cody Rhodes fulfilled his destiny and defeated The Head of the Table, Roman Reigns to become the new Undisputed WWE Champion and ‘Finish The Story’.

Cody Rhodes’ title victory marked the culmination of his years of hard work, going through all the trials and tribulations, and finally making it to the top of the mountain in the world of professional wrestling. The roar of the crowds, record merchandise sales, and his undeniable connection with the WWE Universe solidify the claim that The American Nightmare indeed has arrived. But his hard-fought journey for a year since his crushing loss at WrestleMania 39 was undergone by following the advice of one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time.

Cody Rhodes explains the advice that he got from a former 16-time World Champion

Cody Rhodes, when he restarted his journey to Finish the Story in the aftermath of WrestleMania 39, sought the advice of one of the most successful WWE Superstars of all time who built his career on setbacks and a never-give-up attitude, 16-time WWE Champion John Cena.

During his conversation on the MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani, Cody Rhodes stated that he spoke to John Cena after his loss at WrestleMania 39. In their conversation, Cena presented him with a challenge to be the champion without any belt, focus on merchandise sales, connection with the WWE Universe, and ticket sales for house shows where he will be performing to elevate his status further as a top-tier WWE superstar of the modern era.

“I spoke to John Cena about this thing this exact thing and that was probably the best advice not just because of the advice itself because it was someone who had the experience someone, who had been to the top. I didn’t know it would have been a great call to make to my dad didn’t have that choice so I had John to kind of present me with the challenge and the challenge that presented me was just to be the champion without the belt right and here are your barometers look at your merch look at your ticket sales when the last live event versus the time you’re there this time what look at everything and that will keep you honest that will let you know are you the champion without the belt and uh that was a good challenge you presented with me hopefully after Wrestlemania 40.”

The American Nightmare passed the challenge with flying colors as evidenced by the record sold-out shows that happened after WrestleMania 39 and the record merchandise sale that The Prodigal Son made for the company. Now as Cody is the champion, he is determined to be the best champion possible and is set for a title defense against Lohan Paul at WWE King and Queen of the Ring PLE.

What are your thoughts on the advice that Cody received from John Cena? Share your thoughts in the comments.